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Posts Tagged ‘message’

Printing Messages to the Console Window in C#

This is one of the most fundamental elements of C# programming. In a simple console application, we often want to output some value or set of values to the console window where we can see them. To do this, we can call the functions Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine(). Both of these functions can be use with all of the primitive data types, including strings. The main difference between the functions is that the second one puts an endline or linefeed/carriage return at the end of the output to set the future output to the next line.

To demonstrate, we have a simple program below that prints the closing prices on a given day for two company stock symbols: MSFT and RSH. These two symbols, MSFT and RSH, are the ticker symbols for the companies Microsoft and Radio Shack. This is a simple Console Application project. All of the code outside of the Main() function is standard, boilerplate code that is generated by the Visual Studio IDE. So, we will ignore that and talk about the output statements inside the Main() function.

Inside the Main() function, I start with four lines that output message “Closing Prices – Date: 8/21/2014” with a line underneath it. Notice that I used the Console.Write() function for the first two print statements so that all of the text from the first three statements was printed on one line. The next call to Console.WriteLiine() adds the endline to separate the output for the next line of dashes. The line of dashes is written with the Console.Write() function. However, I added the “\u000D\u000A” at the end which is the equivalent of a linefeed/carriage return or endline character. This makes the call the equivalent of a call to Console.WriteLine(). It is useful to know this, since this can be used anywhere inside of a string to create an endline.

In the last four lines, I output the symbols for Microsoft and Radio Shack along with their respective closing prices for the day. To do this, I created decimal type variables and assigned them values. The decimal data type requires that I put an “M” suffix at the end of each number so that the compiler interprets it as a decimal type. Then I call Console.WriteLine() twice for each string that is passed in. The first string is created automatically from the string literal, “MSFT: ” concatenated with the decimal value contained in dMsftPrice via the “+” operator. The final output look like this:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace MyConsoleApplication {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Console.Write("Closing Prices - ");
            Console.Write("Date: ");
            Console.WriteLine(new DateTime(2014, 8, 21).ToShortDateString());

            decimal dMsftPrice = 45.22M;
            Console.WriteLine("MSFT: " + dMsftPrice);
            decimal dRshPrice = .67M;
            Console.WriteLine("RSH:   " + dRshPrice);

Creating a Simple Form to Display Text Messages in C#

Although it is possible to use a simple MessageBox for printing messages, it is sometimes convenient to use a window that you have more control over. Below, I have the C# code for a simple console application named “MyConsoleApplication.” I created the project using the Console Application template, which creates the empty Main() function shown below. The code file is named “Program.cs” for simplicity, but it could be named anything.

We need to add a reference to the assembly System.Windows.Forms, in order to be able create Forms in the code. We also need to add the corresponding using directive using System.Windows.Forms; at the top of the code file. Finally, we need to add a reference to the assembly System.Drawing in order to set the size of the Form in the line: qMyForm.ClientSize = qMyTextbox.Size;.

Beyond that, the code that I have added is all inside the Main() function. First, I create a Form and add the text “An Important Message” to the title bar. Next, I create a TextBox and set its size to 400 by 300 pixels. Then I set it to accept multiple lines of text, enable the vertical scrollbar to accommodate text overruns, and set it to be read only so that the text cannot be modified.

The middle block of code consists of several calls to the member function AppendText(). Each call adds a line of text from the Bible, Proverbs 4:10-13. The character sequence \u000D\u000A is the unicode representation of the carriage return and linefeed characters. So, that moves the text to the beginning of the next line. On a related note, the TextBox has word wrap enabled by default.

The third block of code sets the size of the containing Form to have a client area that is the same size as the TextBox. Then the TextBox is added to the Form, and the Form is displayed via a call to ShowDialog().

The output of the program looks like this:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FormStringOutput;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MyConsoleApplication
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Form qMyForm = new Form();
            // Sets the title bar text
            qMyForm.Text = "An Important Message";
            TextBox qMyTextbox = new TextBox();
            qMyTextbox.SetBounds(0, 0, 400, 300);
            qMyTextbox.Multiline = true;
            qMyTextbox.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;
            qMyTextbox.ReadOnly = true;

            // Add messages via AppendText, using '\u000D\u000A' for new line characters
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("Hear, my child, and accept my words,\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("    that the years of your life may be many.\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("I have taught you the way of wisdom;\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("    I have led you in the paths of uprightness.\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("When you walk, your step will not be hampered;\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("    and if you run, you will not stumble.\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("Keep hold of instruction; do not let go;\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("    guard her, for she is your life.\u000D\u000A");
            qMyTextbox.AppendText("\u000D\u000A             Proverbs 4:10-13\u000D\u000A");

            // Set the client area of the form equal to the size of the Text Box
            qMyForm.ClientSize = qMyTextbox.Size;
            // Add the Textbox to the form
            // Display the form

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