This program gives a simple demonstration of how to display video that is captured by a camera. If you have a camera attached to your computer (most laptops do), then you can click the box above to display the video capture from your camera. Note that you will need click the “Allow” button to see the video. To stop the video, refresh the page.
The code for this program is simple and is listed below. The first three lines display the message “Click To Play.” The next line, sets the function CaptureVideo() as a callback to respond to mouse clicks.
After that, we have the CaptureVideo() function, which attempts to get access to a camera and checks whether the attempt was successful. If there is a camera, a Video object is created, attached to the camera, and added to the stage for display.
// Output the initial instructions to user var qInstructions:TextField = new TextField(); qInstructions.text = "Click To Play"; addChild(qInstructions); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, CaptureVideo); function CaptureVideo(e:Event):void { var qCamera:Camera = Camera.getCamera(); if (qCamera != null) { var qVideo:Video = new Video(320, 240); qVideo.attachCamera(qCamera); addChild(qVideo); } }
Tags: 3.0, actionscript, adobe, camera, capture, code, display, example, flash, program, video
Michael HallBy: Michael Hall
sir how i will pause and play camera in actionscript……