C Standard Libraries C++



Table of Ranges

FunctionRanges (numeric)Ranges (char)

isalnum()[48, 57], [65, 90], and [97, 122]['0', '9'], ['A', 'Z'], and ['a', 'z']
isalpha()[65, 90] and [97, 122]['A', 'Z'] and ['a', 'z']
iscntrl()[0, 31] and 127[NUL, US] and DEL
isdigit()[48, 57]['0', '9']
isgraph()[33, 126]['!', '~']
islower()[97, 122]['a', 'z']
isprint()[32, 126][' ', '~']
ispunct()[33, 47], [58, 64], [91, 96], and [123, 126]['!', '/'], [':', '@'], ['[', '`'], and ['{', '~']
isspace()[9, 13] and 32[HT, CR] and ' '
isupper()[65, 90]['A', 'Z']
isxdigit()[48, 57], [65, 70], and [97, 102]['0', '9'], ['A', 'F'], and ['a', 'f']


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