C Standard Libraries C++



int isprint(int iChar);


This function returns a non-zero int value to indicate true if the passed in value, iChar, is printable character (including space) in the ASCII table. Otherwise, the function returns zero. The range for which this function returns a non-zero result is [32, 126].


#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    // Output the column headings
    cout << "    ";
    for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 16; ++iIndex) {
        if (iIndex < 10) {
            cout << " ";
        cout << " " << iIndex;
    cout << endl << endl;

    for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 256; ++iIndex) {
        // Output the row heading every 16 places
        if ((iIndex) % 16 == 0) {
            if (iIndex < 10) {
                cout << "  ";
            } else if (iIndex < 100) {
                cout << " ";
            cout << iIndex << " ";
        cout << "  " << (bool)isprint(iIndex);
        // Add an endline every 16 characters
        if ((iIndex) % 16 == 15) {
            cout << endl;
    return 0;


isprint() Output

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