Core Java

Reserved Words

This is the reference section for the reserved words that are used in the Java programming language.

abstractdesignates classes that are not instantiated
assertused to test that a condition is true
booleana primitive logical data type
breakused to exit a loop or switch
bytea primitive byte-length integer data type
casedesignates a branch of a switch statement
catchused to create an exception handler branch
chara primitive 2 byte-length character data type
classdesignates a programmer-defined data type
constnot used
continuejump to the end of the loop
defaultdesignates the default branch of a switch statement
dodesignates the beginning of a do-while loop
doublea primitive 8 byte-length floating-point data type
elsedesignates the remaining branch of an if statement
enumused to defined an enumerated type
extendsdesignates that class inherits another class
falseone of the two boolean literal values
finaldesignates that a class cannot be inherited,
a method cannot be overridden,
or a variable value cannot be changed
finallydesignates a default handler for all branches of an exception handler
floata primitive 4 byte-length floating-point data type
fordesignates the beginning of a for-loop
gotonot used
ifdesignates the beginning of a conditional statement
implementsdesignates that a class inherits an interface
importallows a classes from another package to be used
instanceofused to test whether an object is an instance of a particular class
inta primitive 4 byte-length integer data type
interfacedesignates a programmer-defined set of methods
longa primitive 8 byte-length integer data type
nativedesignates a native method that must be linked
newdesignates a dynamic memory allocation
nulla constant, literal object value that indicates no object
packageused to group a set of related code
privatethe tightest access specifier
protectedthe medium access specifier
publicthe loosest access specifier
returnused to exit the execution of a function
shorta primitive 2 byte-length integer data type
staticdesignates a class method or variable
strictfpdesignates that floating-point computations must be truncated
superrefers it the immediate inherited class
switchdesignates the start of a branching statement
sychronizeddesignates a method that can only be accessed by one thread at a time
thisused by an object to refer to itself
throwused to signal an exception condition
throwsspecifies conditions that must be handled when the function is called
transientan instance variable that does not affect the state of an object
trueone of the two boolean literal values
trydesignates a tested section of an exception handling block
voiddesignates that there is to be no data type used
volatiledesignates that a variable may be changed unexpectedly
whiledesignates the testing condition of a while or do-while loop

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