Core Java

Lesson 1: Hello World

This Java video lesson demonstrates how to write, compile, and run a simple Java program that outputs the message "Hello World!" For this lesson, you need to have the NetBeans IDE and the JDK installed as we showed in Java Lesson 0

  1. To start, you should have the NetBeans IDE open. Then left-click File in the menubar and left-click New Project in the submenu.
    NetBeans New Project
  2. This will open the "New Project" dialog. By default, it should appear as it does below. If not, left-click Java under "Categories:" and left-click Java Application under "Projects:" in the "New Project" panes shown here. Then left-click the Next button to continue.
    New Project Settings
  3. This takes you to the next step in creating the new project: naming it. The project is named "JavaApplication1" by default. To change it, left-click the box next to Project Name: and type "JavaLesson1" into the box. This will change the other settings, as shown below. Then left-click the Finish button to begin creating the project.
    New Project Name
  4. It will take a minute or so to create the project. When it is done, the IDE should look like this.
    New Project Created
  5. Left-click inside the pane and add this line of code
    System.out.println("Hello World!");
    under the comment "TODO code application logic here" as shown below.
    Added Code
  6. That is all we need to code our first program. To compile and execute it, left-click Run in the menubar and left-click Run Project (JavaLesson1) in the submenu.
    Compile the Program
  7. When the program is done compiling, you should see the message "Hello World!" in the output pane.
    Program Output

These are the basic steps involved in creating and running a simple program. We will be using these same steps for most of our programs, but we will change the code to introduce new concepts.


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