Core PHP

List MySQL Methods

This PHP program displays example code that demonstrates how to list all of the methods of the MySQL class.


  $sServer = "";
  $sUser = "root";
  $sPassword = "MyNewPass";

  try {
    // Get all of the mysqli properties and their values.
    $qMySQLi = new mysqli($sServer, $sUser, $sPassword);
    $qMySqlMethods = get_class_methods('mysqli');
    foreach ($qMySqlMethods as $sKey => $sValue) {
      echo "&dollar;qMySqlMethods[$sKey] = $qMySqlMethods[$sKey]<br />";
    // Close the connection
  } catch(Exception $eException) {
    echo "error: ".$eException->getCode()." ".$eException->getMessage();


$qMySqlMethods[0] = autocommit
$qMySqlMethods[1] = begin_transaction
$qMySqlMethods[2] = change_user
$qMySqlMethods[3] = character_set_name
$qMySqlMethods[4] = close
$qMySqlMethods[5] = commit
$qMySqlMethods[6] = connect
$qMySqlMethods[7] = dump_debug_info
$qMySqlMethods[8] = debug
$qMySqlMethods[9] = get_charset
$qMySqlMethods[10] = get_client_info
$qMySqlMethods[11] = get_connection_stats
$qMySqlMethods[12] = get_server_info
$qMySqlMethods[13] = get_warnings
$qMySqlMethods[14] = init
$qMySqlMethods[15] = kill
$qMySqlMethods[16] = multi_query
$qMySqlMethods[17] = mysqli
$qMySqlMethods[18] = more_results
$qMySqlMethods[19] = next_result
$qMySqlMethods[20] = options
$qMySqlMethods[21] = ping
$qMySqlMethods[22] = poll
$qMySqlMethods[23] = prepare
$qMySqlMethods[24] = query
$qMySqlMethods[25] = real_connect
$qMySqlMethods[26] = real_escape_string
$qMySqlMethods[27] = reap_async_query
$qMySqlMethods[28] = escape_string
$qMySqlMethods[29] = real_query
$qMySqlMethods[30] = release_savepoint
$qMySqlMethods[31] = rollback
$qMySqlMethods[32] = savepoint
$qMySqlMethods[33] = select_db
$qMySqlMethods[34] = set_charset
$qMySqlMethods[35] = set_opt
$qMySqlMethods[36] = ssl_set
$qMySqlMethods[37] = stat
$qMySqlMethods[38] = stmt_init
$qMySqlMethods[39] = store_result
$qMySqlMethods[40] = thread_safe
$qMySqlMethods[41] = use_result
$qMySqlMethods[42] = refresh

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