Core PHP

Simple Functions

This PHP code is an example program that demonstrates how to write simple functions.



// This is a simple function that prints a prayer.
// It does not take any arguments or return anything.
function PrintSignOfTheCross() {
  echo "In the name of the Father,<br />";
  echo "and of the Son,<br />";
  echo "and of the Holy Spirit.<br />";
  echo "Amen.<br />";

// This function takes in a single string value and prints it.
function PrintMessage(string $sMessage) {
  echo $sMessage."<br />";

// This function returns a value.
function GetMessage() {
  return "Sign of the Cross";

// This function takes in two string and returns a string.
function AssembleMessage(string $sPart1, string $sPart2) {
  return $sPart1." ".$sPart2;

// Call the first function.
echo "<br /><b>First Function</b><hr />";

// Call the second function.
echo "<br /><b>Second Function</b><hr />";
PrintMessage("Our Father");

// Call the third function.
echo "<br /><b>Third Function</b><hr />";
echo GetMessage()."<br />";

// Call the fourth function.
echo "<br /><b>Fourth Function</b><hr />";
echo AssembleMessage("Jesus", "Christ")."<br />";




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