Core PHP

A Form with Multiple Selections

This PHP program example demonstrates how to process a form that allows multiple selections.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>'s PHP: Form - Multiple Select Example</title>

    <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="GET">
      The Tribes of Israel:<br />
      <select name="keyTribesList[]" size="8" multiple>
      	<option value="kReuben">Reuben</option>
      	<option value="kSimeon">Simeon</option>
      	<option value="kLevi">Levi</option>
      	<option value="kJudah">Judah</option>
      	<option value="kIssachar">Issachar</option>
      	<option value="kZebulun">Zebulun</option>
      	<option value="kDan">Dan</option>
      	<option value="kNaphtali">Naphtali</option>
      	<option value="kGad">Gad</option>
      	<option value="kAsher">Asher</option>
      	<option value="kBejamin">Bejamin</option>
      	<option value="kJoseph">Joseph</option>
      </select><br />
      <input type="submit" name="keySubmit" value="Submit Tribes List"/>

  if (array_key_exists('keySubmit', $_GET)) {
    $sTribes = join("<br />", $_GET['keyTribesList']);
    echo "<br /><b>You submitted these values:</b><br />".$sTribes;

    // Use a foreach loop to print each key with its value
    echo "<br /><br /><b>The _GET array:</b><br />";
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
      echo "{$key} => {$value}<br />";

	echo "<br /><b>The _GET['keyTribesList'] array:</b><br />";
    foreach ($_GET['keyTribesList'] as $key => $value) {
      echo "{$key} => {$value}<br />";
    echo "<br />";




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