Core PHP

Regional String Functions

Regional String Functions
string convert_cyr_string(string $sConvert, string $sFromCharSet, string $sToCharSet)
This function returns a string version of $sConvert with the Cyrillic character of the set $sFromCharSet replaced with the characters of $sToCharSet. The supported character sets are as follows
  • a - x-cp866
  • d - x-cp866
  • i - iso8859-5
  • k - koi8-r
  • m - x-mac-cyrillic
  • w - windows-1251
Argument Description
string $sConvert This is the initial string that is to be converted.
string $sFromCharSet This is the initial character set of $sConvert. It is designated by a single letter in the list above.
string $sConvert This is the character set of returned string. It is designated by a single letter in the list above.
string hebrev(string $sHebrew, int $iMaxCharsPerLine = 0)
This function returns a string version of visual corverted from the logical Hebrew text string $sHebrew.
Argument Description
string $sHebrew This is the initial Hebrew string that is to be converted.
int $iMaxCharsPerLine This is the maximum characters per line.
string hebrevc(string $sHebrew, int $iMaxCharsPerLine = 0)
This function returns a string version of visual corverted from the logical Hebrew text string $sHebrew. It is the same as hebrev(), except that '\n' is converted to '
Argument Description
string $sHebrew This is the initial Hebrew string that is to be converted.
int $iMaxCharsPerLine This is the maximum characters per line.
array localeconv()
This function returns an array of information on localized monetary and numeric formatting. The associate array elements are as follows:
  • currency_symbol - The character representing the currency symbol
  • decimal_point - The character representing a radix or decimal point
  • frac_digits - The local fractional digits
  • grouping - An array containing numeric groupings
  • int_curr_symbol - The international currency symbol (USD)
  • int_frac_digits - The international fractional digits
  • mon_decimal_point - The monetary decimal point character
  • mon_grouping - An array containing monetart groupings
  • mon_thousands_sep - The monetary thousands separator character
  • n_cs_precedes - TRUE if the currency symbol precedes the negative value
  • n_sep_by_space - TRUE if a space separates the currecny symbol from the negative value
  • n_sign_posn
    • 0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol
    • 1 - The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol
    • 2 - The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol
    • 3 - The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol
    • 4 - The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol
  • negative_sign - The sign character for negative values
  • p_cs_precedes - TRUE if the currency symbol precedes the positive value
  • p_sep_by_space - TRUE if a space separates the currecny symbol from the positive value
  • p_sign_posn
    • 0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol
    • 1 - The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol
    • 2 - The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol
    • 3 - The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol
    • 4 - The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol
  • positive_sign - The sign character for positive values
  • thousands_sep - The character that is used as a separator in for the thousands place and at every third decimal place.
string money_format(string $sFormat, double $dValue)
This function returns a monetarily formatted version of $dValue.
Argument Description
string $sFormat This is the format specification.
double $dValue This is the value that will be formatted.
string nl_langinfo(ing $iItem)
This function returns a specific element of the locale.
Argument Description
ing $iItem This is the item that is to be returned.
string number_format(float $fValue, int $iAfterRadix = 0, string $sRadix = ".", string $sThousands = ",")
This function returns the string corresponding to $fValue with $iAfterRadix digits after the decimal or radix point. The number is fomatted with the string $sRadix as decimal or radix point and the string $sThousands after the thousands digit.
Argument Description
float $fValue This is the value that is to be represented.
int $iAfterRadix This is number of digits that are to be displayed after the decimal point.
string $sRadix This is the string that will represent the decimal or radix point. Some countries use a different character, instead of the period.
string $sThousands This is the string that will represent the separator for every thousand multiple. Some countries use a different character, instead of the comma.
string setlocale(ing $iCategory, various $xLocale)
This function returns the specific, requested locale.
Argument Description
ing $iCategory This is the category of functions that are affected by the locale.
various $xLocale This is an array or a string that specifies a locale.

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