Core PHP

String Decomposition Functions

String Decomposition Functions
array explode(string $sDelimiter, string $sOriginal, integer $iMaxSplit = PHP_INT_MAX)
This function returns an array of strings that contain portions of $sOriginal that are split by the entire string $sDelimiter.
Argument Description
string $sDelimiter This is the delimiter string that is used to split $sOriginal. The function will return FALSE if this is an empty string.
string $sOriginal This is the string that is split.
integer $iMaxSplit This is the maximum number of pieces of $sOriginal that are returned. The last entry will contain the rest of the string.
string implode(string $sJoint, array $saPieces)
string implode(array $saPieces, string $sJoint = "")
This function returns an string that is composed of the pieces of $saPieces joined together by $sJoint.
Argument Description
string $sJoint This is the string that is put between each piece.
array $saPieces This is the string pieces that are put together.
This function is the same as implode().
void parse_str(string $sGetUrl, array &$sarKeyValuePairs)
This function returns takes a string URL in the form of a get with name/value pairs encoded in it and splits the values into the array entries of &$sarNameValuePairs with the names as keys to the corresponding values.
Argument Description
string $sGetUrl This is the URL that is parsed.
array &$sarKeyValuePairs This is the set of resulting key/value pairs.
array str_getcsv(string $sOriginal, string $sDelimiter = ",", string $sEnclosure = '"', string $sEscape = "/")
This function returns an array of strings consisting of the parts of $sOriginal delimited by $sDelimiter. The parts inside sets of $sEnclosure pairs are not delimited.
Argument Description
string $sOriginal This is the string that is broken up into substrings.
string $sDelimiter This is delimiter that is used to split the string.
string $sEnclosure This encloses portion of string that are not split.
string $sEscape This is the escape character for special characters.
array str_split(string $sOriginal, integer $iSplitLength = 1)
This function returns an array of characters of size $iSplitLength or less for the remainder..
Argument Description
string $sString This is a string that will be measured.
integer $iSplitLength This is the maximum length of a section.
array strtok(string $sOriginal, string $sDelimiterSet = ",")
This function returns the array of substrings of the string $sOriginal that are split by the set of characters in the string $sDelimiterSet..
Argument Description
string $sOriginal This is a string that will be measured.
string $sDelimiterSet This is the set of delimiter characters that split the string.

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