Core PHP

Directory Functions

Directory Functions
bool chdir(string $sNewDirectory)
This function changes the current directory to $sNewDirectory. It returns TRUE, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Argument Description
string $sNewDirectory This is the directory that will become the current one.
bool chroot(string $sNewDirectory)
This function changes the root directory of the current process to $sNewDirectory and the current directory to "/". This function is strictly for unix. It returns TRUE, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Argument Description
string $sNewDirectory This is the directory that will become the root directory.
void closedir(resource $qDirStream = qLast)
This function closes the directory stream $qDirStream.
Argument Description
resource $qDirStream This is the directory stream that will be closed.
Directory dir(string $sDirectory, resource $qContext = default)
This function returns a Directory object for the directory $sDirectory and opens it. If the parameters are incorrect, it returns NULL. If it fails for some other reason, it returns FALSE.
Argument Description
resource $qDirStream This is the directory stream that will be closed.
resource $context This is a resource context created by stream_context_create().
string dirname(string $sPath, int $iLevels = 1)
This function returns the path to the ancester directory $iLevels up from the file or directory path specified by $sPath. By default, the number of levels is 1, or the parent directory. If there are no slashes in $sPath, the function returns a '.' to indicate the current directory.
Argument Description
string $sPath This is the path of the file or directory.
int $iLevels This is number of directory levels up to return.
string getcwd()
This function returns the current directory, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
bool is_dir(string $sPath)
This function returns TRUE, if $sPath is a directory. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Argument Description
string $sPath This is the path that will be checked.
bool mkdir(string $sNewDirPath, int $iMode = 0777, bool $bRecursive = false, resource $qContext = default)
This function creates a new directory at $sNewDirPath and returns TRUE, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Argument Description
string $sNewDirPath This is the directory path for the directory that will be created.
int $iMode This is an octal number that defines the access mode for the directory. It does not apply on windows.
bool $bRecursive This specifies whether directories should be created down the entire path.
resource $context This is a resource context created by stream_context_create().
resource opendir(string $sDirPath, resource $qContext = default)
This function opens a directory stream to $sDirPath and returns it $sNewDirPath, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Argument Description
string $sDirPath This is the directory path for the directory stream that will be created.
resource $context This is a resource context created by stream_context_create().
string readdir(resource $qDirectory = last)
This function returns the next entry in the directory specified by $qDirectory, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. If no directory is supplied, the last one is used.
Argument Description
resource $qDirectory This is the directory stream whose contents will be read.
void rewinddir(resource $qDirectory = last)
This function moves the stream pointer for the directory stream specified by $qDirectory to the beginning. If no directory is supplied, the last one is used.
Argument Description
resource $qDirectory This is the directory stream whose stream pointer will be moved.
bool rmdir(string $sDirPath, resource $qContext = default)
This function removes the directory at $sDirPath and returns TRUE, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. Note that the directory must be empty before it is removed.
Argument Description
string $sDirPath This is the directory path for the directory that will be removed.
resource $context This is a resource context created by stream_context_create().
array scandir(string $sDirPath, int $iOrder = SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING, resource $qContext = default)
This function returns an array of the names of files and directories inside the directory at $sDirPath, if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. The files and directories inside the array are sorted according to $iOrder as follows:
  • SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING - alphabetical order, ascending
  • SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING - alphabetical order, descending
  • SCANDIR_SORT_NONE - unsorted
Argument Description
string $sDirPath This is the directory path for the directory whose contents will be returned.
int $iOrder This is order in which the contents will be returned.
resource $context This is a resource context created by stream_context_create().

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