Pieces Music

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Spring

The Spring concerto of Antonio Vivaldi in three movements from the four seasons. The sonnet text has been translated below into English from Italian by Michael J. Hall for XoaX.net.

Original Italian Sonnet by Antonio Vivaldi

Giunt' è la Primavera e festosetti
La Salutan gl' Augei con lieto canto,
E i fonti allo Spirar de' Zeffiretti
Con dolce mormorio Scorrono intanto:
Vengon' coprendo l' aer di nero amanto
E Lampi, e tuoni ad annuntiarla eletti
Indi tacendo questi, gl' Augelletti;
Tornan' di nuovo al lor canoro incanto:

E quindi sul fiorito ameno prato
Al caro mormorio di fronde e piante
Dorme 'l Caprar col fido can' à lato.

Di pastoral Zampogna al suon festante
Danzan Ninfe e Pastor nel tetto amato
Di primavera all' apparir brillante.

English Translaiton by Michael J. Hall for XoaX.net

Come join in celebrating joyous Spring.
The birds greet its arrival with happy songs
and zephyrs vigorously blow,
while the flowing streams murmur sweetly.
Then the wind covers the sky with a black mantle
and lightning and thunder are the chosen announcers.
These are next hidden from the sky,
turned back by the songbirds' spell.

And so by the pleasant, blooming meadow
the canopy of trees softly rustles overhead,
while a goatherd sleeps with his faithful dog by his side.

The rustic bagpipes make sounds of celebration
while nymphs and shepherds dance under the dome
of Spring and all appear brilliant.


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