Core JavaScript

Private Members

Unlke most object-oriented languages, JavaScript does not allow a programmer to declare variables as private. However, similar functionality can be accomplished by declaring a variable in the constructor function without using this before it; be sure to use 'var' to ensure that the variable is not a global. We demonstrate this in the code below, where we access this variable from the member function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>'s Javascript</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="PrivateMembers.js"></script>


function CPerson(sName, iAge) {
  // public
  this.msName = sName;
  // private - declare with 'var'
  var miAge = iAge;
  // These functions can access miAge. They must be declared inside the constructor.
  this.fnGetAge = function() {
    return miAge;
  this.fnAdvanceAge = function() {

// This function just prints out the members of an object.
function PrintAnObject(qObject) {
  var sOutput = typeof(qObject)+": " + + '<br />';
  for (var sProperty in qObject) {
    sOutput += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + sProperty + ': ' + qObject[sProperty]+'<br />';
  document.writeln(sOutput + "<br />");

var qJesus = new CPerson("Jesus", 30);

document.writeln(qJesus.msName + "' age is " + qJesus.fnGetAge() + "<br />");
document.writeln(qJesus.msName + "' age is " + qJesus.fnGetAge() + "<br />");



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