Core JavaScript

Functions with Default Arguments

This JavaScript example demonstrates how to write and call a function with default arguments.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>'s Javascript</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="FunctionsDefaultArguments.js"></script>


// A function with three default arguments
function F(X = 11,Y = 7,Z = 3) {
	document.writeln("X = " + X + " : Y = " + Y + " : Z = " + Z + "<br />");
	return X*Y*Z;

document.writeln("F(2, 5, 9) = " + F(2, 5, 9) + "<br /><br />");
document.writeln("F(2, 5) = " + F(2, 5) + "<br /><br />");
document.writeln("F(2) = " + F(2) + "<br /><br />");
document.writeln("F() = " + F() + "<br /><br />");
document.writeln("<br /><br />");

// A function with one default argument
function G(X, Y = 1) {
	document.writeln("X = " + X + " : Y = " + Y + "<br />");
	return X + Y;

document.writeln("G(5, 7) = " + G(5, 7) + "<br /><br />");
document.writeln("G(5) = " + G(5) + "<br /><br />");
// The first argument is undefined because it has no default.
document.writeln("G() = " + G() + "<br /><br />");



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