Unordered Lists

An unordered list is used to present items that should be gathered together. In an unordered list, the list is encapsulated in <ul> tags. Each item in the list is contained in a <li> tag. The letters "ul" stand for unordered list, while the letters "li" stand for list item. We can put a title for the list directly inside the <ul> tag, but before any <li> tag to act as a heading. Here, we have The Seven Sacraments of the Church as our heading for the list. We used bold to make heading appear more significant.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>'s HTML Unordered List Example</title>
  <ul><b>The Seven Sacraments of the Church</b>
    <li>The Eucharist</li>
    <li>The Anointing of the Sick</li>
    <li>Holy Orders</li>



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