HTML Global Attributes Table

Global Attributes
Attribute Value Description
accesskey "a"
This attribute specifies a key that is used activate an element.
class class names that are defined in a style sheet This attribute specifies which class styles apply to this element. Classes are delimited by spaces. So, class="christian apostle" is used to select the styles for "christian" and "apostle."
contenteditable "true"
This attribute specifies whether the content in the element is editable.
data-* stored value Example: data-mydata="somevalue"
dir "ltr"
This attribute specifies direction of display for the text.
draggable "true"
This attribute is used to specify whether or not the element can be dragged and dropped via the mouse.
hidden none This attribute is used to specify that the element should not be displayed.
id The id of this element This attribute specifies the id of the element for styling and other purposes.
lang "en"
This attribute specifies the language of the element's content.
spellcheck "true"
This attribute specifies whether the text in the element should be checked for spelling grammar.
style style specification This attribute is used to specify the styles for the element.
tabindex "1"
This attribute specifies the order that the elements are traversed when the tab key is pressed.
title descriptive text This attribute specifies a summary of the element that is displayed as a tooltip.
translate "yes"
This attribute specifies whether the element should be translated.

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