Fill an Entire SQL DataSet

This C# program demonstrates how to fill an entire SQL dataset with all of the table data in a database for Microsoft SQL in C#.


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace FillDataset {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // The using block ensures that the connection is closed when it exits this block.
            using (SqlConnection qConnection = new SqlConnection(
                    @"Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS01;Database=catholic;Trusted_Connection=True;")) {
                DataSet qDataSet = new DataSet("catholic");
                DataTable qDataTable = qConnection.GetSchema("Tables");
                // Run through all of the tables in the database and store them in the dataset.
                foreach (DataRow qRow in qDataTable.Rows) {
                    // The third entry, at index 2, is the table name
                    using (SqlDataAdapter qAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                            "SELECT * FROM " + qRow[2], qConnection)) {
                        qAdapter.Fill(qDataSet, qRow[2].ToString());
                // The Dataset is filled with the tables and their data
                // Here, we output the data to demonstrate that it is in the dataset

        static public void PrintDataset(DataSet qDataSet) {
            string sDataSet = String.Format("{0, 25}", qDataSet.DataSetName) + "\n";
            // Run through the tables in the dataset
            foreach (DataTable qTable in qDataSet.Tables) {
                // Write the table name first
                sDataSet += String.Format("{0, 25}", qTable.TableName) + "\n";
                // List the column names first
                foreach (DataColumn qColumn in qTable.Columns) {
                    sDataSet += String.Format("{0,-25}", qColumn.ColumnName);
                sDataSet += "\n";
                sDataSet += "-------------------------------------------------\n";
                foreach (DataRow qRow in qTable.Rows) {
                    foreach (object qData in qRow.ItemArray) {
                        sDataSet += String.Format("{0,-25}", qData);
                    sDataSet += "\n";
                sDataSet += "\n";



name                     category
Baptism                  Initiation
Eucharist                Initiation
Confirmation             Initiation
Penance                  Healing
Anointing of the Sick    Healing
Holy Matrimony           Service
Holy Orders              Service

name                     symbol
John                     Chalice
Andrew                   Transverse Cross
Peter                    Keys

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Apostles Table

Apostles Table

Sacraments Table

Sacraments Table

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