Generics C#

Sort an Array with a Delegate

This C# program demonstrates how to sort an array with a delegate.


using System;

namespace XoaX {
    class Program {

        public class CCharge {
            public string msName;
            public decimal mtTotal;

        static void Main(string[] args) {

            // Initialize an array
            CCharge[] qaCharges = new CCharge[] {
                new CCharge { msName = "Full Service", mtTotal = 48.0M },
                new CCharge { msName = "Washing", mtTotal = 15.0M },
                new CCharge { msName = "Maintenance", mtTotal = 20.0M },
                new CCharge { msName = "Free Inspection", mtTotal = 0.0M }

            // Sort the array by mtTotal with a delegate
            Array.Sort(qaCharges, delegate(CCharge qS1, CCharge qS2) {
                return qS1.mtTotal.CompareTo(qS2.mtTotal);

            // List the elements
            System.Console.WriteLine("Sorted List:");
            foreach (CCharge qCharge in qaCharges) {
                System.Console.WriteLine(qCharge.msName + " : " + qCharge.mtTotal);


Sorted List:
Free Inspection : 0.0
Washing : 15.0
Maintenance : 20.0
Full Service : 48.0
Press any key to continue . . .

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