Core C#

Rounding Numbers

This C# program demonstrates how to round numbers in C#. The first part demonstrates rounding to the nearest integer, tenth, and hundredth of a value. The second part demonstrates the two midpoint rounding rules: away from zero and toward the even value.


using System;

namespace XoaX {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            double dA = 937.352;
            double dB = 3.18547;
            // Rounding to a particular digit
            Console.WriteLine("dA = " + dA +
                "  Integer = " + Math.Round(dA) +
                "  Tenth = " + Math.Round(dA, 1) +
                "  Hundredth = " + Math.Round(dA, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("dB = " + dB +
                "  Integer = " + Math.Round(dB) +
                "  Tenth = " + Math.Round(dB, 1) +
                "  Hundredth = " + Math.Round(dB, 2));
            // Rounding rules at midpoints
            double dX = 7.5;
            double dY = 8.5;
            Console.WriteLine("dX = " + dX +
                "  AwayFromZero = " + Math.Round(dX, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) +
                "  ToEven = " + Math.Round(dX, MidpointRounding.ToEven));
            Console.WriteLine("dY = " + dY +
                "  AwayFromZero = " + Math.Round(dY, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) +
                "  ToEven = " + Math.Round(dY, MidpointRounding.ToEven));


dA = 937.352  Integer = 937  Tenth = 937.4  Hundredth = 937.35
dB = 3.18547  Integer = 3  Tenth = 3.2  Hundredth = 3.19
dX = 7.5  AwayFromZero = 8  ToEven = 8
dY = 8.5  AwayFromZero = 9  ToEven = 8
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