Core C#

Check Whether a File Exists

This C# program demonstrates how to check whether a file with a given filename exists.


using System;
using System.IO;

namespace XoaX {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Local file names
            string[] saFilenames = { @"", @"XoaX.exe", @"XoaX.txt" };
            foreach (string sFileName in saFilenames) {
                Console.WriteLine("The file " + sFileName +
                    (File.Exists(sFileName) ? " does " : " does not ") + "exist.");

            // File names and paths. Note: the first directory is not a file
            string[] saFilepaths = { @"C:\temp", @"C:\temp\MyXsd.cs" };
            foreach (string sFilepath in saFilepaths) {
                Console.WriteLine("The file " + sFilepath +
                    (File.Exists(sFilepath) ? " does " : " does not ") + "exist.");


The file does not exist.
The file XoaX.exe does exist.
The file XoaX.txt does not exist.
The file C:\temp does not exist.
The file C:\temp\MyXsd.cs does exist.
Press any key to continue . . .

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