C Standard Libraries C++



int wmemcmp(const wchar_t* kwpBuffer1,
            const wchar_t* kwpBuffer2,
            size_t uiCompSize);


This function compares the first "uiCompSize" wide-characters of each of the buffers "kwpBuffer1" and "kwpBuffer2" and returns an integer that is less than 0 if "kwpBuffer1" is less than "kwpBuffer2," 0 if "kwpBuffer1" is equal to "kwpBuffer2," and less than 0 if "kwpBuffer1" is greater than "kwpBuffer2."


#include <cwchar>

int main()
    wchar_t waBuffer1[] = L"XoaXAlgorithms";
    wchar_t waBuffer2[] = L"XoaXArchitecture";
    size_t uiCompSize = 5;

    // Compare the first 5 characters (should be the same)
    wprintf(L"The first %u characters of \"%ws\" vs \"%ws\"\n",
        uiCompSize, waBuffer1, waBuffer2);
    int iCompValue = wmemcmp(waBuffer1, waBuffer2, uiCompSize);
    wprintf(L"Comparison value = %d\n", iCompValue);

    // Increase the number of characters to compare
    uiCompSize = 6;
    wprintf(L"The first %u characters of \"%ws\" vs \"%ws\"\n",
        uiCompSize, waBuffer1, waBuffer2);
    iCompValue = wmemcmp(waBuffer1, waBuffer2, uiCompSize);
    wprintf(L"Comparison value = %d\n", iCompValue);

    // Reverse the order of comparison
    wprintf(L"The first %u characters of \"%ws\" vs \"%ws\"\n",
        uiCompSize, waBuffer2, waBuffer1);
    iCompValue = wmemcmp(waBuffer2, waBuffer1, uiCompSize);
    wprintf(L"Comparison value = %d\n", iCompValue);

    // Keep the window open until "Enter" is pressed
    return 0;


wmemcmp() Output

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