C Standard Libraries C++



long wcstol(const wchar_t* kwpString, wchar_t** wppEndPtr, int iBase);


This function converts the all of the digits in the wide-character string "kwpString" up to the wide character "wppEndPtr" to a long value using the value "iBase" as the number base for digits. The function returns the converted value, is successful. Otherwise, it returns 0 to indicate an error or LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN to indicate overflow.


#include <cwchar>

int main()
    const wchar_t kwaWideString[] = L"101 XoaX.net";
    const wchar_t* kwpWidePtr = kwaWideString;

    // Convert the string to a decimal value
    long lConvert = wcstol(kwaWideString, NULL, 10);
    wprintf(L"Decimal Value %d\n", lConvert);
    wprintf(L"Original String: %ws\n", kwaWideString);

    // Convert the string to a binary value
    lConvert = wcstol(kwaWideString, NULL, 2);
    wprintf(L"Binary Value %d\n", lConvert);
    wprintf(L"Original String: %ws\n", kwaWideString);

    // Keep the window open until "Enter" is pressed
    return 0;


wcstol() Output

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