C Standard Libraries C++



size_t mbrlen(const char* kcpMChar, size_t qMaxSize, mbstate_t qMBState);


This function returns the number of bytes remaining in the current multibyte character pointed to by "kcpMChar" up to "qMaxSize" bytes, using "qMBState" as the multibyte shift state. If "qMBState" is NULL, then the internal shift state is used and the call is similar to mblen() in <cstdlib>.

The call can fail for several reasons and will return the following:

0     if "kcpMChar" points to the NULL wide character
-1     if "kcpMChar" does not point to a valid multibyte character
-2     if "qMaxSize" is not large enough to contain the character


#include <iostream>
#include <cwchar>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    char* cpName = "XoaX.txt";

    // Get the length to the end of the first character.
    size_t qReturn = mbrlen(cpName, MB_CUR_MAX, NULL);
    // Check whether the call was successful.
    if (qReturn < 0) {
        cout << "Error!" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "Char length = " << qReturn << endl;
    return 0;


mbrlen() Output

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