Core C++


Reserved Words


asmdesignate an assembly language code block 
autovariable qualifier that designates that the variable is to be allocated on the stack 
booldata type which takes on the values "true" or "false" 
breakjump statement used to break out of the nearest loop or switch 
casebranch of execution in a switch 
catchused to trap execution when an exception is thrown 
chardata type used to represent ASCII characters 
classused to define the structure of an object type 
constqualifier to designate variable values that cannot be changed 
const_castremove the constant qualification from a pointer's data type 
continuegoto the end of the loop 
defaultthe alternative branch of execution in a switch statement  
deletedeallocate dynamically allocated memory from the heap 
dothe beginning of a do-while loop 
doublea floating-point data type with twice the precision of float 
dynamic_castUsed to cast a pointer to a polymorphic base data type 
elsean alternative branch of execution in an "if" statement 
enuma user-defined type with a small set of values that correspond to integers 
explicitrequires constructor notation for calling a single argument constructor 
exportallows a template definition to be accessible from other translation units 
externindicates external linkage 
falseone of the two Boolean values 
floata float-point data type with half the precision of a double 
fordesignates the beginning of a for-loop 
frienddesignates that a function or data type has full access to members 
gotojump execution to another position in the code 
ifdesignates a conditional execution branch 
inlinespecifies code substitution for calls to this function 
intan integer valued data type 
longan integer data type 
mutabledata member qualifier that overrides of an object's const qualification 
namespacecreates a scope qualifier 
newallocates a variables inside the heap space 
operatordesignates an overloaded operator 
privaterestricts access to an objects members  
protectedrestricts access to an objects members 
publicmakes an objects members fully accessible 
registervariable qualifier that designates that the variable is to be held in a register 
reinterpret_castUsed to cast a data pointer to any other type 
returnused to jump execution out of a function back the calling position 
shortan integer data type that shorter than a long 
signedqualifier used to designate integer types as taking positive and negative values 
sizeofan operator that returns the size of a variable or type in bytes 
staticvariable and function qualifier with several uses 
structspecifies user-defined types like a class, but with default public access 
switchbranch statement, which acts on integer-valued data types 
templatedesignates class or function templates 
thisinside member functions, this is a constant pointer to the calling object 
throwused to throw a constant or variable to indicate abnormal conditions 
trueone of the two Boolean values 
tryindicates a block of code where exceptions are to be caught 
typedefdefines a data type in terms of an existing one 
typeida function that returns a number to indicate the type of the argument 
typenamea template argument that indicates an unknown type 
unionholds multiple data members, like a struct, but members share memory 
unsignedan integer type modifier that limits the range to the positive values 
usingused for namespace in using directives or using declarations 
virtualused in multiple inheritance and polymorphic functions 
voidused to specify no variable or an unknown pointer type 
volatilevariable qualifier that signals undetectable changes 
wchar_twide character type 
whileused to designate a while loop 

Reserved Tokens


!logical not 
%modulus operator 
^bitwise exclusive or operator 
&bitwise and 
*dereference operator 
(left parenthesis 
)right parenthesis 
-negation or subtraction operator 
+addition operator 
= assignment operator 
{left brace, begin code block 
}right brace, end code block 
|bitwise or operator 
~tilde, bitwise not operator 
[left bracket, begin subscript operator 
]right bracket, end subscript operator 
\used to create an escape sequence or multiline macro 
;semicolon, end of a line of code 
'single quote, interpret a character as a char value 
:used in the ternary conditional operator 
"encapsulates a constant char array 
<less than or begin template parameter list 
>greater than or end template parameter list 
?used in the ternary conditional operator 
,comma, used in for-loops and argument lists 
.period, used for the dot operator or decimal point 
/division operator 
->arrow operator 
++Increment operators 
--decrement operators 
.*dot dereference operator 
->*arrow dereference operator 
<<bitwise shift left or extraction operator 
>>bitwise shift right or insertion operator 
<=less than or equal 
>=greater than or equal 
==check for equality 
!=check for inequality 
&&logical and 
||logical or 
*=multiplication assignment operator 
/=division assignment operator 
%=modulus assignment operator 
+=addition assignment operator 
-=subtraction assignment operator 
<<=bitwise shift left assignment operator 
>>=bitwise shift right assignment operator 
&=bitwise and assignment operator 
^=bitwise exclusive or assignment operator 
|=bitwise or assignment operator 
::scope resolution operator 

Reserved Preprocessor Commands


#definemacro definition 
#elifelse if branch of an if 
#errorgenerate diagnostic message 
#elseelse branch of an if 
#includeinclude code from another file 
#ifdefif defined 
#ifndefif not defined 
#lineset the __LINE__ macro 
#pragmaspecifies implementation dependent behavior 
#undefundefine a macro 
__cplusplustrue if compiling C++ 
__DATE__substitutes the current date 
__FILE__substitutes a current file 
__LINE__substitutes the current line number 
__TIME__substitutes the current time 
defined()substitutes true if the macro argument is defined 
NULLsubstitutes zero 

Reserved Preprocessor Tokens


#replace parameter with string literal 


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