God is love.
Either 40 or 40 works here.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Escape sequences, like this \n, do not work inside single quotes
Escape sequences, like this 
, do work inside double quotes

Escape sequences, like this \n, do not work inside single quotes
Escape sequences, like this 
, do work inside double quotes
Other escape sequences
\n - Line feed (ASCII 10)
\r - Carriage return (ASCII 13)
\t - Horizontal tab (ASCII 9)
\v - Vertical tab (ASCII 11)
\f - Form feed (ASCII 12)
\\ - Literal backslash
\$ - Literal $ (dollar) symbol
\" - Literal double quote
\[0-7]{1,3} - Octal number
\x[0-9A-F or a-f]{1,2} - Hexadecimal number
\u{[0-9A-F or a-f]+} - Unicode UTF-8
For single quotes, precede ' and \ by a \
Heredoc: You shall be called Cephas
Nowdoc: "You shall be called $sName"