Integer Literals:
The type of the literal 0112 is integer
Its value in decimal is 74
The type of the literal 74 is integer
Its value in decimal is 74
The type of the literal 0x4A is integer
Its value in decimal is 74
The type of the literal +74 is integer
Its value in decimal is 74
The type of the literal -74 is integer
Its value in decimal is -74

Floating-point Literals:
The type of the literal 299792458.0 is double
Its value is 299792458
The type of the literal 2.99792458e8 is double
Its value is 299792458
The type of the literal 2.99792458E8 is double
Its value is 299792458
The type of the literal 1.166364E-5 is double
Its value is 1.166364E-5
The type of the literal .00001166364 is double
Its value is 1.166364E-5
The type of the literal 10000000000 is integer
Its value is 10000000000

String Literals:
The type of the literal "" is string
Its value is
The type of the literal "\130\157\141\130\56\156\145\164" is string
Its value is
The type of the literal "\x58\x6F\x61\x58\x2E\x6E\x65\x74" is string
Its value is

Boolean Literals:
The type of the literal true is boolean
Its value is 1
The type of the literal false is boolean
Its value is

Null Literals:
The type of the literal null is NULL
Its value is
The type of the literal NuLl is NULL
Its value is