Bits & Bytes

Saving a Screen Capture to a JPEG Image File in Actionscript 3.0

The program below demostrates how to capture an image of the stage and save it as a jpg image. We have drawn a yellow circle give the image capture something more interesting to render. To save the jpg image, just left-click the box above and select a location to save the image in.

The program for this jpg image capture is shown below. Additionally, you will need the JPGEncoder file which you can get here: To use the source file, select Edit->Preferences->Actionscript->Actionscript 3.0 Settings . . . and add the folder where you put “mikechambers-as3corelib-release.93-8-g24c6c16\mikechambers-as3corelib-24c6c16\src” to the src paths. Then you should be able to compile and execute the Actionscript code.

In this program, we import the JPGEncoder class and then draw a filled yellow circle on the stage. Next, we register an event listener to call the function SaveJPG() to save the image when a left-click occurs; Actionscript requires that file-saving code be contained in a user-initiated function.

Inside the callback, we create a BitmapData object that is the size of our stage and draw the stage into it. Then we create the encoder and call encode() to put the jpg data into a ByteArray. Finally, we create a FileReference object and save the jpg data.

import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;

// Draw a circle on the staqe
graphics.drawCircle(160, 120, 100);

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SaveJPG);

function SaveJPG(e:MouseEvent):void {
	// Store the image capture of stage in a BitmapData Object
	var qImageData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(320, 240);
	// Set the encoding to high-quality
	var qEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(100);
	var qBytes:ByteArray = qEncoder.encode(qImageData);
	var qFile:FileReference = new FileReference();, "YellowCircle.jpg");

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Michael Hall

By: Michael Hall

3 Responses to “Saving a Screen Capture to a JPEG Image File in Actionscript 3.0”

  1. Mark Vincent says:

    I’ve been searching for this for weeks! Thank you so much!
    I’m actually working on a Cake Designer app, and downloading the final design to be downloaded as JPEG.
    Will be posting the progress soon on my website: thetotobox dot com. Cheers!

  2. callofthewild says:

    The source files have since changed! idk what to do ahhhhhhhh

  3. Andrew Murphy says:

    This is very cool. Is there any way to have the JPG save to the server in addition to saving on the hard-drive?

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